Immigration and VISA

5 Countries Offering Citizenship via Investment 2024 – Lets Buy Citizenships

These 5 Countries Seeking Your Investment to Make you their Citizen in 2024

Your 1 passport is not enough if you want to optimize your tax, spread your business, gain global mobility, establish new business, make corporate or real estate investments, or settle abroad as a digital nomad. For all these purposes we have only one proven recommendation which is to obtain another citizenship through which you will be able to get another passport and added benefit of staying in that country whereas using that ‘new’ country’s passport as visa free travel document for another 140+ other countries.

Elaboration on Citizenship by Investment Terminology:

Actually, this is now possible to make capital investment in some of the Caribbean and European countries to obtain their citizenship for yourself & your family and i will give you an example of this as if you invest $130,000 in Vanuatu then you can easily obtain their citizenship in just 2 months time.

In this article i am going to unveil along list of those countries where you can easily obtain their citizenship and passport by making capital investments in their financial bonds, approved real estate projects, joint investment projects, and purchase of their government bonds.


So now lets straight away get on this short reading tour of those countries where you can obtain their citizenship by your investment in 2024:

1# Saint Kitts and Nevis Citizenship: $200k

You have to invest around $200k in real estate sector of Saint Kitts & nevis to qualify for their citizenship program whereas if you make a donation of around $125k then you can also get their citizenship easily whereas with both options it would take up to 6 months to get your new passport (Ref Stkitts).


2# Grenada Citizenship through Investment: $220,000

You will get your Grenada passport via their citizenship through investment program if you would invest a non-refundable amount of US$220k in Grenada’s approved real estate or make a donation of around $150k in Grenada’s national transformation fund (Ref Grenada Gov).

3# Malta Citizenship through Investment: $807,386

If you are willing to invest around US$807,386 in buying residential property of Malta and live in their country for over 36 months and held onto your purchased property for at least 5 years then you will stand eligible to obtain Malta citizenship.


4# Saint Lucia Citizenship through investment: $300,000

If you want to get citizenship of Saint Lucia for yourself only then that would actually cost you to invest a sum of around $100k as donation in their national economic fund whereas with that you will also be required to pay a fees of around $9500 as administration expenses. As an alternate to making donation, you may also consider to buy a real estate property in St Lucia with a worth of over $300k and if you do so then you will qualify to obtain St Lucia citizenship this way as well in 2024 (Ref .

You should also know that St Lucia passport permits you to travel in over 140 countries visa free and with that being said i think you will not miss this chance to obtain this St Lucia citizenship if you want to have global mobility (Ref Astons).

5# Turkiye Citizenship through investment: $400,000

As per my research, Turkiye is easiest country where you can obtain citizenship by purchasing a property in any Turkish city costing around US$400,000 at minimum whereas you will also sign a bond with your citizenship application that you will no sell this purchased property of Turkey for next 3 years at least and then you will qualify for Turkiye citizenship through $400,000 investment program (Ref Turkiye Gov).




Dr. Philip Morgan

(Associate Editor) Dr. Philip Morgan is a postdoctoral fellow and lead author at He earned his Master's and Ph.D. from Stanford before pursuing research in the U.S. on a Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship. Leveraging his diverse academic background, Dr. Morgan creates informative articles on scholarships, internships, and fellowships for international students. His expertise and passion empower students to achieve their academic goals through international education opportunities.

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