Jobs in 2024

Canada Lost 6400 jobs in July 2023 – Scope for New Job Seekers?

As per recent reports i confirmed inflation in Canada in July 2023 stayed under 3% while Canadian labor marketing is cooling down because just recently it was unexpectedly reported by statistics Canada that Canada actually lost over 6400 jobs in July 2023 which pumped up their unemployment rate to 5.5% from 5.4%.

Whereas on the other hand, many Canadian economists are expecting their economy to produce 25000 jobs whereas in a recent report construction & transportation industry of Canada suffered job losses however educational and healthcare sector of Canada added 19000 & 25000 jobs relatively.

So in short jobs in Canadian economy are shedding but at the same time workers are demanding higher salaries (Ref Bloomberg & which is why some sectors in Canada are now producing any new jobs but as per statistics Canada recent report some of their sectors such as healthcare/education demonstrated a large job growth as well.


So therefore i think this news will also have implications on all new job seekers because you now may find it difficult to land a job in Canada in some of their sectors such as construction/transport industry but to tackle this i would highly suggest you to apply for skill shortage jobs in Canada so that you can get higher wages and get easy employment because even at this time many professions/occupations in Canada are experiencing skill shortages.



Dr. Philip Morgan

(Associate Editor) Dr. Philip Morgan is a postdoctoral fellow and lead author at He earned his Master's and Ph.D. from Stanford before pursuing research in the U.S. on a Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship. Leveraging his diverse academic background, Dr. Morgan creates informative articles on scholarships, internships, and fellowships for international students. His expertise and passion empower students to achieve their academic goals through international education opportunities.

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