
7 Countries With Highest Average Salaries in 2024 With Skill Shortages

Tired of the daily grind with a paycheck that barely covers the bills? Dreaming of a better life where your skills are valued, and your income matches your potential? In this article, you will find out the top seven countries where average salaries in 2023-2024 were recorded as the highest in the world.

These nations not only offer stunning landscapes and rich cultures but also promise a life of financial comfort and security. So, fasten your seatbelts as we take you on a whirlwind tour of these high-paying havens!

1# Switzerland: Average Salary: $87,500 (USD)

Skill Shortages: Healthcare professionals, engineers, IT specialists, skilled tradespeople
Fast Track: The “Fast-Track” permit for highly skilled workers can get you working in the Swiss Alps faster than you can say “fondue.”


Switzerland, known for its breathtaking scenery, luxury watches, and delicious chocolate, also boasts a robust economy with some of the highest salaries in the world. If you’re a skilled professional in healthcare, engineering, IT, or skilled trades, Switzerland might just be your golden ticket.

2# Luxembourg: Average Salary: $78,800 (USD)

Skill Shortages: IT specialists, engineers, healthcare professionals, financial sector professionals
Fast Track: The Blue Card program for highly qualified professionals can fast-track your journey to Luxembourg’s thriving financial sector.


Don’t let Luxembourg’s small size fool you; this country is a financial powerhouse with salaries to match. If you’re a whiz with numbers or technology, Luxembourg welcomes you with open arms and a generous paycheck.

3. United States: Land of Opportunity (and Big Paychecks)

Average Salary: $74,700 (USD)
Skill Shortages: Healthcare professionals, STEM professionals, skilled tradespeople
Fast Track: The H-1B visa for specialty occupations can fast-track your American dream.


The United States, with its diverse economy and vast opportunities, remains a top destination for skilled workers seeking high salaries. Whether you’re a tech guru, a medical professional, or a skilled tradesperson, America’s got a job (and a paycheck) with your name on it.

4# Iceland: Average Salary: $74,100 (USD)

Skill Shortages: Healthcare professionals, engineers, IT specialists, tourism and hospitality workers
Fast Track: Iceland’s General Work Permit can be processed quickly, especially for in-demand professions.

Iceland, with its stunning natural beauty and strong social welfare system, offers more than just geysers and glaciers. It’s also a land of high salaries, especially for those in healthcare, engineering, IT, and tourism. If you’re seeking a high quality of life and a generous paycheck, Iceland might just be your happy place.


5# Denmark: Average Salary: $69,300 (USD)

Skill Shortages: Healthcare professionals, engineers, IT specialists, skilled tradespeople
Fast Track: The Pay Limit Scheme for high earners and the Positive List for in-demand occupations can expedite your Danish adventure.

Denmark, renowned for its hygge lifestyle and focus on work-life balance, also offers competitive salaries and ample opportunities for skilled professionals. If you value a fulfilling career and personal life, Denmark might just be your perfect match.


6# Norway: Average Salary: $68,700 (USD)

Skill Shortages: Healthcare professionals, engineers, IT specialists, skilled tradespeople
Fast Track: The Skilled Worker Permit for qualified professionals can get you working in Norway’s booming economy in no time.

Norway, with its abundant oil and gas resources, boasts a thriving economy and high salaries, especially for those in engineering and skilled trades. If you’re seeking a secure future with financial stability, Norway might be your pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

7# Canada: Average Salary: $65,200 (USD)

Skill Shortages: Healthcare professionals, STEM professionals, skilled tradespeople, early childhood educators
Fast Track: The Express Entry system for skilled workers and various Provincial Nominee Programs can fast-track your Canadian experience.


Canada, known for its friendly people and diverse culture, is also a land of opportunity for skilled professionals. With a welcoming immigration system and high demand for various skills, Canada is a great place to build a fulfilling career and a prosperous life.


These seven countries offer a glimpse into a world where hard work and talent are truly rewarded. Whether you’re drawn to the snowy peaks of Switzerland or the vibrant cities of the United States, these high-paying havens promise a future filled with financial security and endless opportunities.

Disclaimer: Please note that these figures are average annual salaries and can vary significantly depending on the industry, experience, and location. The cost of living also plays a crucial role in determining your actual purchasing power.



Dr. Philip Morgan

(Associate Editor) Dr. Philip Morgan is a postdoctoral fellow and lead author at He earned his Master's and Ph.D. from Stanford before pursuing research in the U.S. on a Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship. Leveraging his diverse academic background, Dr. Morgan creates informative articles on scholarships, internships, and fellowships for international students. His expertise and passion empower students to achieve their academic goals through international education opportunities.

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