DAADscholarship.com was started in 2016 by Dr. Philips, Engr. Bano, and Engr Yousaf; in order to provide detailed guidance to international students on topics of education in Germany. Our objective was to provide easy scholarship and admission application guidance in German Universities to international students. Moreover, our volunteers and qualified members also conducted research on how is it like for a student to live in German cities, and based on our research we publish reports live. All of our articles are processed through a thorough editorial review and our editors, associate editors and authors are all qualified to write on the subject of this website.
Editorial Guidelines
All the publications on DAADscholarship.com pass through editorial checks. The editors and associate editors working make sure of following aspects before sending any content for publication:
- Ethical responsibilities are well taken care of by our authors and editors
- Editors make sure not to have any conflict of interest in writeups
- The citations to the content are given at the end of each article, that verifies the source of the information and creates the trust factor among our readership for sharing the valid and verifiable piece of information
- Our writers are eligible to write on these educational topics as per the domain of this site
Following is the list of our team members: