
What to Delete from Your CV in 2024?

Crafting a stellar CV is an art. It’s about showcasing your skills and experiences in the best light while avoiding common pitfalls that can make you seem outdated or unprofessional. As we move through 2024, several elements have become unnecessary or even detrimental to include in your CV.

10 Things You Should Never Add to Your CV in 2024

Here’s a guide on what to delete to keep your CV sharp, modern, and effective:

1# Personal Information

What to Delete:

    • Marital Status
    • Religion
    • Age
    • Nationality

Why: These details are irrelevant to your job qualifications and can introduce unconscious bias. Employers are interested in your skills and experience, not your personal life.

2# Career Objective

What to Delete:

    • Traditional Career Objective Statement

Why: Instead of a generic career objective, use a professional summary. This concise paragraph should highlight your key skills and experiences relevant to the job you’re applying for, providing a snapshot of what you bring to the table.

3# Picture/Headshot

What to Delete:

    • Photograph

Why: Unless you’re applying for a role where your appearance is relevant (like acting or modeling), including a photo is unnecessary and can lead to bias. Focus on your qualifications and achievements instead.

4# Irrelevant Experience/Education

What to Delete:

    • Experience unrelated to the job
    • Old educational qualifications (like high school, if you have higher education)

Why: Tailor your CV to each job application. Only include experience and education that are relevant to the position you’re applying for. This keeps your CV concise and focused.

5# Salary History

What to Delete:

    • Past salary information

Why: Discussing salary is best left for the interview or negotiation stage. Including it in your CV can put you at a disadvantage or lead to misunderstandings.

6# References

What to Delete:

    • “References available upon request”

Why: It’s generally understood that you will provide references if asked. Save space and omit this line.

7# Unprofessional Email Address

What to Delete:

    • Non-professional email addresses

Why: Ensure your email address is professional, ideally a variation of your name (e.g., [email protected]). Avoid quirky or informal addresses that can appear unprofessional.

8# Outdated Formatting

What to Delete:

    • Old templates
    • Excessive formatting

Why: Keep your CV clean and easy to read. Use a modern font and layout. Avoid overly complex designs that can distract from the content.

9# Overused Buzzwords

What to Delete:

    • Generic phrases like “hardworking” or “team player”

Why: These terms are overused and add little value. Instead, focus on showcasing specific accomplishments and quantifiable results.

10# Objective Statements

What to Delete:

    • Generic objective statements

Why: Replace these with a targeted professional summary that highlights your most relevant skills and experiences. This helps immediately convey your value to potential employers.

Additional Tips for a Modern CV

Adopt these 3 principles for creating a modern and impactful CV in 2024:

1# Tailor Your CV: Customize your CV for each job application. Highlight relevant skills and experience that match the job description.

2# Keep It Concise: Aim for a one- or two-page CV unless you have extensive experience. Be selective about what to include to maintain a sharp focus.

3# Proofread Meticulously: Ensure your CV is free of grammatical errors and typos. A polished CV reflects your attention to detail and professionalism.

By removing these outdated elements and following the tips above, your CV will be modern, focused, and effective in showcasing your qualifications to potential employers. A well-crafted CV can be the key to landing your dream job.


Zahira Bano

(Associate Editor) Zahira holds a PhD in Cosmetics Surgery and Pharma. She worked with Mashables and some other beauty and wellness blogs. She is also a well-known personality and educationist and has a large number of social following. She also writes on the female empowerment motivational topics in her leisure time. She is also a scholarship winner and mentor for students looking for studying abroad opportunities.

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