
2732 PhD Scholarships in Italy 2025 Waiting for Applications

Italian universities are offering an impressive total of 2,732 fully-funded PhD scholarships for the 2025 academic year. These opportunities span a wide array of disciplines, providing international students with numerous options to pursue advanced research in one of Europe’s most vibrant academic environments. Whether your interests lie in the sciences, humanities, engineering, or social sciences, there’s a scholarship opportunity waiting for you in Italy.

So are you considering pursuing a PhD in Italy? Then wait no more – save this page because you will keep coming back on this for taking information about all those Italian universities which are currently accepting applications for PhD Scholarships from international students. And here’s a comprehensive guide to some of the top opportunities available, with details on deadlines, application fees, and program specifics.

1# University of Pisa

Scholarships: 99
Deadline: 20 June 2024
Application Fee: €30

    • Physical Sciences
    • Mathematical and Computer Sciences
    • Chemical Sciences
    • Earth Sciences
    • Biological Sciences
    • Medical Sciences
    • Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences
    • Civil Engineering and Architecture
    • Industrial and Information Engineering
    • Ancient, Philological-Literary and Historical-Artistic Sciences
    • Historical, Philosophical, Pedagogical and Psychological Sciences

Call Link: University of Pisa PhD Call

2# University of Pavia

Scholarships: 138
Deadline: 01 July 2024
Application Fee: €35 (waived for international mobility program scholars)

    • Mathematical and Computer Sciences
    • Physical Sciences
    • Chemical Sciences
    • Earth Sciences
    • Biological Sciences
    • Medical Sciences
    • Civil Engineering and Architecture
    • Industrial and Information Engineering
    • Ancient, Philological-Literary and Historical-Artistic Sciences
    • Historical, Philosophical, Pedagogical and Psychological Sciences
    • Legal Sciences
    • Political and Social Sciences

Call Link: University of Pavia PhD Call

3# University of Catania

Scholarships: Multiple
Deadline: 28 June 2024
Application Fee: €30

    • Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Science
    • Basic and Applied Biomedical Sciences
    • Translational Biomedicine
    • Biotechnologies
    • Economics, Management, and Decision Making
    • Physics
    • Law
    • Computer Science
    • Systems, Energy, Computer, and Telecommunications Engineering
    • Neuroscience
    • Educational Processes, Theoretical-Transformative Models, and Research Methods Applied to the Territory
    • Materials Science and Nanotechnologies
    • Chemical Sciences
    • Earth and Environmental Science
    • Science of Interpretation
    • Science for Cultural Heritage and Production
    • Political Science
    • Complex Systems for Physical, Socio-Economic, and Life Science
    • Evaluation and Mitigation of Urban and Territorial Risks

Call Link: University of Catania PhD Call

4# University of Trento

Scholarships: Multiple
Application Fee: €15
Programs and Deadlines:

    • Materials, Mechatronics, and Systems Engineering: 24 May 2024
    • Agrifood and Environmental Sciences: 28 May 2024
    • Comparative and European Legal Studies: 30 May 2024
    • Forms of Cultural Exchange and Textuality: 30 May 2024
    • Cognitive Science: 3 June 2024
    • Mathematics: 10 June 2024
    • Biomolecular Sciences: 17 June 2024

Call Link: University of Trento PhD Call


5# Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Naples

Scholarships: 6
Deadline: 01 June 2024
Application Fee: None
IELTS Requirement: Yes
Call Link: Stazione Zoologica PhD Call

6# Sapienza University of Rome

Scholarships: 1075
Deadline: 20 June 2024
Application Fee: €35
Programs: Comprehensive list including Advances in Infectious Diseases, Microbiology, Legal Medicine, Public Health Sciences, Archaeology, Architecture, Astronomy, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Environmental and Evolutionary Biology, and many more.
Call Link: Sapienza University PhD Call


7# University of Udine

Scholarships: 86
Deadline: 20 June 2024
Application Fee: €25

    • Law for Innovation in the European Legal Space
    • Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
    • Industrial and Information Engineering
    • Molecular Medicine
    • Food Sciences
    • Energy and Environmental Engineering Sciences
    • Agricultural Sciences and Biotechnology
    • Mathematical and Physical Sciences
    • Clinical and Translational Medical Sciences
    • History of Art, Cinema, Audiovisual Media, and Music
    • Linguistic and Literary Studies

Call Link: University of Udine PhD Call

8# University of Bologna

Scholarships: 445
Deadline: 17 June 2024
Application Fee: €5
Programs: Diverse range including Cellular and Molecular Biology, Health, Safety, and Green Systems, Sport, Health and Well-being, Biotechnological, Biocomputational, Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences, and more.
Call Link: University of Bologna PhD Call


9# University of Turin

Scholarships: 262
Deadline: 20 June 2024
Application Fee: Waived for international students
Programs: Includes Comparative Analysis of Institutions, Economics and Law, Business and Management, Complex Systems for Quantitative Biomedicine, Law and Institutions, and many others.
Call Link: University of Turin PhD Call

10# Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Scholarships: 18
Deadline: 20 June 2024
Application Fee: €100

    • Economics and Finance
    • Management and Innovation
    • Sociology, Organizations, Cultures
    • Optical Properties of Nanoplastics
    • Holographic Dualities and Non-Perturbative Methods in Quantum Field Theory

Call Link: Università Cattolica PhD Call

11# University of Bergamo

Scholarships: 46
Deadline: 17 June 2024
Application Fee: €20
Programs: Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Physical Sciences, Biological Sciences, Medical Sciences, Civil Engineering and Architecture, Industrial and Information Engineering, and more.

Call Link: University of Bergamo PhD Call

12# Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI)

Scholarships: 40
Deadline: 23 May 2024
Application Fee: None
Programs: Astroparticle Physics, Mathematics in Natural, Social, and Life Sciences, Computer Science, Regional Science, and Economic Geography

Call Link: GSSI PhD Call

13# University of Trieste

Scholarships: 201
Deadline: 13 June 2024
Application Fee: €30 (conditional admission for those unable to pay due to banking restrictions)
Programs: Physical Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Earth Sciences, Biological Sciences, Medical Sciences, and more.

Call Link: University of Trieste PhD Call

14# University of Florence

Scholarships: 201
Deadline: 13 June 2024
Application Fee: €30
Programs: Chemical Sciences, Earth Sciences, Medical Sciences, Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences, Civil Engineering and Architecture, and more.

Call Link: University of Florence PhD Call

15# Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA) Trieste

Scholarships: 50
Deadline: Varies by program
Application Fee: None
Programs: Various programs across multiple departments

Call Link: SISSA PhD Call

16# FutureData4EU (University of Bologna and partner universities)

Scholarships: 53
Deadline: 28 June 2024
Application Fee: €30
Programs: Multi- and trans-disciplinary fields including Health, Culture, Civil Security, Digital Industry, Climate, Food, and Enabling Technologies

Call Link: FutureData4EU PhD Call

17# LUISS University

Scholarships: 12
Deadline: 27 June 2024
Application Fee: None
Programs: Law and Business

Call Link: LUISS PhD Call.


Dr. Philip Morgan

(Associate Editor) Dr. Philip Morgan is a postdoctoral fellow and lead author at He earned his Master's and Ph.D. from Stanford before pursuing research in the U.S. on a Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship. Leveraging his diverse academic background, Dr. Morgan creates informative articles on scholarships, internships, and fellowships for international students. His expertise and passion empower students to achieve their academic goals through international education opportunities.

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