Jobs in 2024

How to Find Jobs Abroad Without Agent fees in 2023?


Finding a job in another country opens up variety of benefits for skilled and qualified job seekers starting from high salaries, better life quality, employment security, immigration for dependent family members, and even citizenship and all of this can be done without any consultation charges, or recruitment agent without paying any hefty fees.

Therefore, in this article you will find information on how you can find and verify jobs overseas without any agent fees, how to apply for work visa/work permits/residence permits, and how to would you be able to move to settle in that country with your family.

1) Choose a Country for your Next Employment

As per my study on average monthly income in popular countries, i noticed all those countries are actually offering different salary packages for same occupations so if you are a job seeker then i suggest you to conduct a research on which of the country is actually paying highest salary for your type of profession in 2023.


2) Search and Verify International Jobs Openings

Your first task would be to avoid getting into job scams by making your research and verifying international jobs and for that reason i advise you to please search for international jobs on official web pages of multinational companies, or search jobs on government pages and then submit your resume or CV directly to their HR web pages. This is a proven way to avoid job scams and i must tell you that no companies or government demand their job applicants to provide them with any sort of fees (Citation Novoresume).

Once you find the suitable job for you then your next step would be to go through its eligibility criteria, application document requirement, and then you will make your effort in submitting your job application and later on if you are called for an interview and offered this job then you will see yourself applying for a work VISA or work permit so to travel to that country to start your new job.


3) Apply for Job Seekers VISA Abroad

This is also a way to start a career abroad by obtaining a job seekers visa of another country but via this method you will not be required to search for a job before you apply for a work visa. But by adopting this method you will search for those countries which provide job seekers VISA to let you enter in those countries to find job positions in their local market and then you may get a job in those countries, later on after getting a job you will be required to convert your job seeker visa into work permit or work visa.

4) Reshape Your Resume and Apply for Selected Jobs

Now this is very important and i see many job seekers stumbling upon this step resulting in rejection of their job applications which is why i want you to work on this step very carefully. I know you may already have a standard resume or CV but do you know everyone has it the way you have which means when all those standard looking resumes will be evaluated by HR of company then they would not pay more attention to those CV/resumes because more or less they are all same.


So now i want you to think on what can you do to get special attention of those HR managers and the answer is very simple; by reshaping/tailoring your standard resume into an outstanding kinda CV/resume as per job specifications.

Because if you will have something outstanding in your resume/CV that attracts eyes of an HR manager for their advertised job then your chances of receiving a job interview call would definitely increase and you as a job seeker would stand out among all other competitor job applicants.

5) Get Successful in Your Job Interview

I know it must be difficult to get to this stage where you would receive a job interview call but once this happens i know a pursuit of happiness would burst upon you but i need you to stay calm, and composed because you still have to pass this job interview to receive your employment offer.


Now i have a suggestion for you so you can get successful in your job interview and that would be to complete your homework in researching about that organization offering that particular job for which you are being called for an employment interview.

6) Get Work VISA to Start Your New Job in New Country!

I think very few job seekers will get to this point because to stand eligible for a work VISA for various countries you need to have hold of an active employment offer in form of an appointment letter which then you will submit to embassy of that country to apply for a Work VISA but be ascertain of work visa application fee of that country because at this stage you may be required to pay visa application fee directly at embassy of that country.


Dr. Philip Morgan

(Associate Editor) Dr. Philip Morgan is a postdoctoral fellow and lead author at He earned his Master's and Ph.D. from Stanford before pursuing research in the U.S. on a Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship. Leveraging his diverse academic background, Dr. Morgan creates informative articles on scholarships, internships, and fellowships for international students. His expertise and passion empower students to achieve their academic goals through international education opportunities.

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