
Trinidad and Tobago Government Scholarships 2024

The Government of Trinidad and Tobago is offering scholarships under the Production Sharing Contracts for the academic year starting September 2024. Here’s a simple guide to help you understand and apply for these exciting opportunities.

Purpose of these Scholarship

The scholarships aim to develop critical human resources in the Petroleum and Natural Gas sectors. This initiative supports the country’s need for skilled professionals in these essential fields.

  • Number of Scholarships: A total of ten (10) scholarships are available for both undergraduate and postgraduate studies.
  • Priority Areas of Study: The following areas of study are prioritized for these scholarships:

Undergraduate and Postgraduate Levels

  • Engineering: Mining, Geological, and Geophysical Engineering
  • Economics and Mathematical/Economic Modelling
  • Procurement: Strategic Procurement Management/Procurement and Contract Management

Postgraduate Disciplines Offered Through this scholarship

  • Petroleum Law
  • Asset Integrity Management/Infrastructure Planning and Management/Critical Infrastructure Systems
  • Oil, Gas, and Energy Policy
  • Geology/Geophysics/Geoscience
  • Renewable Energy Technology
  • Petroleum Economics and Management
  • Environmental Studies

Scholarship Coverage

The scholarship includes:

  • Tuition and compulsory fees
  • Personal and salary allowances
  • Annual book and special equipment allowances
  • Round-trip economy-class air travel (if applicable)
  • Warm clothing, incidental travel, and mobilization allowances (if applicable)

Eligibility Criteria

  • Age between 18 and 55 years
  • Meet specific academic and work experience requirements relevant to the chosen field of study

Application Process

  1. Visit to fill out the online application form as per this notice
  2. Submit two recommendations: one academic and one personal or professional.
  3. Provide proof of acceptance or enrollment at an accredited institution.
  4. Write and submit an essay explaining the relevance of your chosen field to Trinidad and Tobago’s energy sector.
  5. Attach all required documents, such as academic certificates, proof of citizenship, and valid ID.

Deadlines and Important Dates

  • Application Deadline: June 28, 2024, by 4 pm
  • Response Time: 60 to 90 days after the closing date.



Dr. Philip Morgan

(Associate Editor) Dr. Philip Morgan is a postdoctoral fellow and lead author at He earned his Master's and Ph.D. from Stanford before pursuing research in the U.S. on a Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship. Leveraging his diverse academic background, Dr. Morgan creates informative articles on scholarships, internships, and fellowships for international students. His expertise and passion empower students to achieve their academic goals through international education opportunities.

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