
Asia Kakehashi Scholarship 2024 for Young Students


Have you ever dreamed of studying abroad in Japan? Imagine immersing yourself in the rich Japanese culture, attending a local high school, and living with a host family or in a dorm. For high school students across Asia and G7 member countries, this dream can become a reality through the Asia Kakehashi Scholarship 2024.

What is the Asia Kakehashi Scholarship?

The Asia Kakehashi Scholarship is a golden opportunity sponsored by the Japanese government. It’s designed for ambitious high school students from Asia and G7 nations who are eager to enhance their global competence. This unique 4-month program enables students to study at a Japanese high school, live with a host family or in a dormitory, and forge lasting friendships with their Japanese counterparts.

Why “Kakehashi”?

“Kakehashi” means “bridging” in Japanese, and that’s precisely the aim of this project—to build bridges between Japan and other countries, fostering stronger relations and mutual understanding.


Managed by AFS Japan, the scholarship covers all costs, including round-trip airfare, accommodation, school expenses, and health insurance. It’s an all-inclusive package to ensure a worry-free and enriching experience abroad.

Who Can Apply?

Eligibility is key. Applicants must be:

  • Between 15 and 18 years old
  • High-achieving and highly motivated students
  • Learners of the Japanese language
  • Ready and willing to travel abroad unaccompanied
  • Citizens of the eligible countries/regions at the time of application

Countries invited to participate span across Asia and include G7 member nations, showcasing the program’s wide reach and inclusive spirit.

What Will You Experience?

Participants will attend a Japanese high school, experiencing the local education system first-hand. Whether you’re placed in a dorm or with a host family, the program guarantees an immersive experience that goes beyond academics. You’ll get a taste of daily Japanese life, participate in cultural traditions, and participate in international camps alongside Japanese students.


This exposure not only enhances your Japanese language skills but also your understanding of global cultures, preparing you to be a future leader who can navigate cross-cultural environments.

Support Throughout Your Journey

AFS Japan provides comprehensive support before and during your stay. From intercultural training to help with adjusting to a new environment, their team of experienced volunteers and professional staff ensures a smooth and enriching experience.


How to Apply for Kakehashi Scholarship 2024?

The next session of the Asia Kakehashi Project is scheduled for August 2024 through December 2024. This timeline provides a unique opportunity for participants to experience a Japanese high school environment during this period, immersing themselves in the local culture and academic life.

If you’re interested in applying, make sure to check the specific application deadlines and details for your country, as these can vary. It’s crucial to start preparing your application well in advance to meet all necessary criteria and submit your application on time


Dr. Philip Morgan

(Associate Editor) Dr. Philip Morgan is a postdoctoral fellow and lead author at He earned his Master's and Ph.D. from Stanford before pursuing research in the U.S. on a Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship. Leveraging his diverse academic background, Dr. Morgan creates informative articles on scholarships, internships, and fellowships for international students. His expertise and passion empower students to achieve their academic goals through international education opportunities.

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