Jobs in 2024

Countries Facing Skill Shortages 2023 – World’s Most in Demand Jobs

Global Talent Shortage Jobs 2023

This article will be providing you information on skills shortage jobs which are super difficult to fill in some countries due to shortage of skilled workers and high demand and i think you may have a question at this point thinking why most countries are facing skills shortage problem and why they are now keen to even hire international skill workers to meet their needs so i am going to provide you essential information on all of this with proper references and this information is going to help you in two ways.

First to figure out in which country you will be applying for a job and secondly you will be able to find out which country is actually paying more salary for your acquired skill so your preference would be to apply for jobs in those countries where salaries are high for your skills.

Reasons Behind Skills Shortage Jobs Problem

So now lets first understand why countries are facing skills shortage issues in recent years and the answer to this question is quite visible if we look at technological advancement, high economic growth due to high demand of products and services across countries (Globalization) (Ref; Vervoe, US dept of education).


Percentage of Employers Facing Difficulty in finding Skilled Workers:

I think this is a best approach to look at the numbers in order to understand how bad the skill shortage problem is in 2023 globally and to my surprise i was totally blown away by seeing an inflation of 77% skill shortage problem in 2023 compared to 35% in 2013 (Ref: Manpower report).

This skills shortage problem which is now at 77% in 2023 means every 3 out of 4 employers are having issues in sourcing skilled workers and its impact would be even more threatening for the economical growth of their countries.


List of Countries Facing Great Skill Shortages in 2023

I think you need to update your knowledge about list of 41 countries which are facing skill shortage issues in 2023 as per the new survey report published by manpower in 2023 (This Manpower survey was conducted across 41 countries among 39000 employees). Meanwhile you read this report you may also realize that the country which is facing high skill shortage problem might be producing more high paying jobs for certain skill shortage skills so that means as a job seeker you will have more chances to land a high paying job in 2023:

Average Skill Shortage in All Countries in 2023


Taiwan 90%
Germany 86%
Hong Kong 85%
 Portugal 84%
Puerto Rico 83%
Singapore 83%
Hungary 82%
Austria 81%
China 81%
Finland 81%
Ireland 81%
Romania 81%
Belgium 80%
Brazil 80%
France 80%
India 80%
Spain 80%
UK 80%
Australia 79%
Canada 79%
Argentina 78%
Japan 78%
Greece 77%
Sweden 77%
Israel 76%
South Africa 76%
Switzerland 76%
Italy 75%
USA 75%
Norway 74%
Netherlands 73%
Guatemala 72%
Poland 72%
Türkiye 72%
Costa Rica 71%
Peru 70%
Mexico 69%
Slovakia 68%
Czech Republic 66%
Panama 65%
Colombia 64%

Which Industries/Sectors are Facing Skill Shortages in 2023

This section is also a very important one to find out which of such sectors and industries which are actually facing skills shortages because then you will be able to make a calculated decision on applying for a job where your skills are rare to find in 2023 so we can have a look at the skill shortage numbers in all sectors:


Industries Facing Skill Shortages


Communication Services 79%
Energy & Utilities 79%
Life Sciences & Healthcare 78%
Information Technology (IT) 78%
Services & Consumer Goods 77%
Industrial materials 77%
Automotive Industry 76%
Logistics Industry 76%
Transport industry 76%
Accounting and Financials 73%
Real Estate Industry 73%

So after reading this i hope you will now have an idea of where you will be applying for a job in 2023 as per your acquired skills and at the end i got another closing fact to motivate you to look for jobs abroad because as per this manpower 2023 survey; around 55% of employers are now considering to hire foreign skilled workers to meet their needs which is why i recommend you not to waste your time and take advantage of this situation and apply for skill shortage jobs right away.


Dr. Philip Morgan

(Associate Editor) Dr. Philip Morgan is a postdoctoral fellow and lead author at He earned his Master's and Ph.D. from Stanford before pursuing research in the U.S. on a Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship. Leveraging his diverse academic background, Dr. Morgan creates informative articles on scholarships, internships, and fellowships for international students. His expertise and passion empower students to achieve their academic goals through international education opportunities.

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