
France Skill Shortage Occupations in 2024 – Average Salaries, Staffing Agencies

Forget croissants and Eiffel Tower selfies – France is calling for your talents! Turns out, they’re short on everything from tech wizards to master chefs. This means opportunity for YOU, especially if your skillset is on their “most wanted” list.

Hottest Skill Shortage Sectors in France in 2024 

As per Pôle Emploi, CEDEFOP, and manpower group reports France is facing a high number of worker shortages in all of these following sectors in 2024:

  1. Healthcare Heroes: Doctors, nurses, you name it – France needs your healing touch!
  2. Tech Titans: Software devs, data whizzes, cybersecurity pros – the digital world is your oyster!
  3. Construction Connoisseurs: Engineers, architects, skilled laborers – build your dreams (and France’s) brick by brick!
  4. Manufacturing Mavericks: Technicians, engineers – keep those factories humming!
  5. Hospitality Hotshots: Chefs, hotel managers, tourism pros – make France’s visitors feel like royalty!

Average Salaries of These SKill Shortage Occupations in France in 2024

Forget the long lines and paperwork nightmares. France is rolling out the red carpet with its Talent Passport visa program for all of the following listed occupations (With Average Salaries Mentioned). It’s like a fast-track ticket to living and working in France, with perks like family reunification and access to healthcare.


1# Healthcare:

    • Doctors (General Practitioners): €5,000 – €8,000+ per month
    • Doctors (Specialists): €8,000 – €15,000+ per month
    • Nurses: €2,500 – €4,000+ per month
    • Caregivers: €1,800 – €2,500+ per month
    • Medical Technicians: €2,000 – €3,500+ per month

2# Engineering and Technology:

    • Software Developers: €3,500 – €7,000+ per month
    • Data Scientists: €4,000 – €8,000+ per month
    • Cybersecurity Experts: €4,500 – €9,000+ per month
    • IT Project Managers: €4,500 – €9,000+ per month
    • Electrical Engineers: €3,000 – €6,000+ per month
    • Mechanical Engineers: €3,000 – €6,000+ per month

3# Construction and Building Trades:

    • Skilled Laborers: €2,000 – €3,500+ per month
    • Construction Engineers: €3,500 – €6,000+ per month
    • Architects: €3,500 – €7,000+ per month
    • Project Managers: €4,000 – €8,000+ per month

4# Manufacturing:

    • Skilled Technicians: €2,500 – €4,500+ per month
    • Production Engineers: €3,500 – €6,000+ per month
    • Machine Operators: €1,800 – €2,800+ per month

5# Other Sectors:

    • Sales and Marketing Professionals: €3,000 – €6,000+ per month
    • Finance Professionals (Accountants, Analysts): €3,500 – €8,000+ per month
    • Teachers (especially in STEM fields): €2,200 – €3,500+ per month
    • Chefs: €2,500 – €5,000+ per month
    • Hotel Managers: €3,500 – €7,000+ per month
    • Agricultural Workers: €1,800 – €2,500+ per month
    • Agricultural Technicians: €2,500 – €4,000+ per month

Your “French Job Dream Connection”: Top Recruitment Agencies

You can search for the latest skill shortage opportunities directly with any of these top recruitment agencies working for French employers:

Bonus Tip: Learn some French, mon ami(e)! It’ll show your commitment and make you stand out.


So, What Are You Waiting For?

Dust off that passport, update your CV, and start your French adventure! Whether you’re dreaming of Parisian nights or countryside charm, France is ready to welcome you with open arms (and a warm baguette).

Au Revoir!



Dr. Philip Morgan

(Associate Editor) Dr. Philip Morgan is a postdoctoral fellow and lead author at He earned his Master's and Ph.D. from Stanford before pursuing research in the U.S. on a Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship. Leveraging his diverse academic background, Dr. Morgan creates informative articles on scholarships, internships, and fellowships for international students. His expertise and passion empower students to achieve their academic goals through international education opportunities.

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