Most Cashable and In-demand Skills in 2023 – Enroll Now!
As per my experience and research, i think your aim should be to make money rather than acquiring an academic degree with less demand in market and you better know if there is no demand for a specific degree in market then the salary would also be on lower side! So, why not you should acquire those skills that pay well in 2023 and this is where my article’s focus is going to be because i am going to give you insights on the most in demand and highly cashable skills.
Here are my top pick skills that you can learn in 2023 to cash them in near future with high remuneration packages:
1# Learn Digital Marketing Skills
You must not underestimate this digital marketing giant because this is actually expected to become US$76 billion dollar industry (Source) which further depicts a huge number of skilled digital marketers working in this industry! I added this digital marketing skill on top of my list because of its market size globally and if you manage to learn most of digital marketing skills then trust me companies and marketing agencies would start bidding for higher salaries to capture you for recruitment to work for them since there are very few expert digital marketers available in 2023. Now, if you are interested to take a step forward and learn digital marketing then take advantage of an online skill course on digital marketing by the Manchester metropolitan university or a postgrad digital marketing course at University of Bedfordshire.
2# Become a Data Analyst
Do not skip this section because this section might change the way you live now as because if you by any chance become a data analyst then you won’t be able to pull yourself away from big salaries, luxurious lifestyle, and an extremely well working environment! I know you might now be thinking; oh this skill might be difficult to learn – but what if i tell you that you are wrong and this is an easy and free skill to learn and what if i also tell you that Google data analytics certificate course is offered for free and you can enroll and study this course online?
Let me now give you an idea of what a data analyst is expected to do and why those digital companies are going crazy to find and hire data analysts with such high salaries of around US$$70,000+ (Ref). You might be surprised to know that investors/boards of directors in companies take decisions to invest big sums of money based on certain data facts and those facts are collected, analyzed, processed, transformed, and demonstrated by data analysts to help out companies in making their calculated decisions. Whereas there are very few skilled data analysts available in market for recruitment in 2023 therefore, i added this particular skill to my list to motivate all my students to learn this asap so they can find good jobs in near future.
3# Enroll in Web Development Course
As you know very well this is the era of websites and apps where every other person is connected to internet while taking this into consideration we see new apps and websites launching every day and there is a huge demand for web developers for the making the development and maintenance of these websites possible. I would actually call it a modern day degree to acquire web development skills because what i can see in this is high salaries, and non-competitive job options not only in your home country but also abroad! Website developers are in high demand in almost every corner of the globe so why not we start acquiring this skill by getting enrolled in this free web development online course offered by University of Michigan with no entry requirements; would you apply?
4# Acquire Dev Ops/Software Engineering Skills
I added this dev ops skill to my list because this is actually a highly paid skill and would remain in high paying salary rankings in next 10 years and dev ops are making around US$139k/annum salaries (Ref). I was happy to find out that this Dev Ops course is offered by IBM for beginners in English language, with no prior experience required and the best thing about this online course is that you will be able to study it as per your convenience. If you manage to complete Dev Ops course by IBM successfully then you will be have sound knowledge of agile software development, test-driven development, hybrid multicloud work, Iaas PaaS Saas, cloud native, application development, and scrum methodology.