
UCL PhD Positions 2024 in Quantum Technologies – Deadline April 19, 2024

UCL has announced numerous PhD opportunities in Quantum Technologies, underlining its interdisciplinary focus and commitment to pioneering research. Interested candidates should engage with potential supervisors before applying through the LCN PhD portal and, if necessary, the UCL Application Portal.

These fully-funded positions, open to both Home and Overseas students, cover a broad spectrum of quantum research areas. With a common application deadline of 19 April 2024, UCL offers a unique chance for aspiring researchers to contribute to the field’s advancements over a four-year studentship.

List of UCL PhD Scholarships 2024 with Deadline April 19, 2024

Here’s a list of the available PhD positions at UCL in the Quantum Technologies Area, including key details like project focus, supervisor contact, and location:


1# Fundamental Physics and Applications with Quantum Levitated Optomechanics

    • Supervisor: Peter Barker
    • Location: UCL, Physics & Astronomy

2# Electric Field Control of Quasiparticle Wavefunctions in Organic Semiconductors

    • Supervisor: Jochen Blumberger
    • Location: UCL, Physics & Astronomy

3# Solid-state Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics

    • Supervisor: Jon Breeze
    • Location: UCL, Physics & Astronomy

4# Quantum Sensing Technology and Effective Computational Models for Early Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease

    • Supervisor: Neil Burgess
    • Location: UCL, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience

5# Quantum Metrology with Triatomic Molecules to Probe Physics Beyond the Standard Model

    • Supervisor: Luke Caldwell
    • Location: UCL, Physics & Astronomy

6# Picosecond Accuracy Time Synchronisation for Quantum Communication Networks

    • Supervisor: Kari Clark
    • Location: UCL, Electronic and Electrical Engineering

7# Fabricating Single Atom Lattices to Explore Quantum Science and Technology

    • Supervisor: Taylor Stock
    • Location: UCL, London Centre for Nanotechnology

8# Coherence and Entanglement in the Attosecond Domain

    • Supervisor: Carla Figueira de Morisson Faria
    • Location: UCL, Physics & Astronomy

9# Tensor Networks for Quantum Simulation and Quantum Software

    • Supervisor: Andrew Green
    • Location: UCL, London Centre for Nanotechnology

10# Hybrid Quantum Information Processing with Rydberg Atoms and Superconducting Circuits

    • Supervisor: Stephen Hogan
    • Location: UCL, Physics & Astronomy

11# An Electrically Addressable Spin Qubit in InGaAs

    • Supervisor: Stuart Holmes
    • Location: UCL, Electronic and Electrical Engineering

12# Engineering Correlation Effects in Quantum Structures

    • Supervisor: Sanjeev Kumar
    • Location: UCL, Electronic and Electrical Engineering

13# Coherent Coupling Between Magnons and Photons Using Superconducting Resonators at the Two-dimensional Limit

    • Supervisor: Hidekazu Kurebayashi
    • Location: UCL, London Centre for Nanotechnology

14# Quantum Sensing for Biology with Optically Addressable Spin Defects

    • Supervisor: Benjamin Miller
    • Location: UCL, London Centre for Nanotechnology/Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering

15# Superconducting Quantum Circuits for High-sensitivity Magnetic Resonance

    • Supervisor: John Morton
    • Location: UCL, London Centre for Nanotechnology

16# Investigating Quantum Advantage of Non-classical Light Sources for Control of Biological Systems

    • Supervisor: Alexandra Olaya-Castro
    • Location: UCL, Physics & Astronomy

17# Precision Tests on the Quantum Nature of Gravity

    • Supervisor: Jonathan Oppenheim
    • Location: UCL, Physics & Astronomy

18# New Quantum Phenomena in Semiconductor Nanostructures

    • Supervisor: Michael Pepper
    • Location: UCL, London Centre for Nanotechnology

19# Next-generation Quantum Sensors for Medical Applications

    • Supervisor: Ferruccio Renzoni
    • Location: UCL, Physics & Astronomy

20# Magnetic Domain Fluctuations

    • Supervisor: Ian Robinson
    • Location: UCL, Physics & Astronomy

21# Fabrication and Measurement of Atomic-Scale Devices: Toward Quantum Computing in Germanium

    • Supervisor: Steven Schofield
    • Location: UCL, London Centre for Nanotechnology

22# Mechanisms of Defect Processes in 2D Quantum Devices

    • Supervisor: Alexander Shluger
    • Location: UCL, Physics & Astronomy

23# Polariton and Circuit QED Lattices: Quantum Simulations of Correlated and Topological States

    • Supervisor: Marzena Szymanska
    • Location: UCL, Physics & Astronomy

24# Quantum Amplification Using Superconducting Nanowires

    • Supervisor: Paul Warburton
    • Location: UCL, London Centre for Nanotechnology


Dr. Philip Morgan

(Associate Editor) Dr. Philip Morgan is a postdoctoral fellow and lead author at He earned his Master's and Ph.D. from Stanford before pursuing research in the U.S. on a Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship. Leveraging his diverse academic background, Dr. Morgan creates informative articles on scholarships, internships, and fellowships for international students. His expertise and passion empower students to achieve their academic goals through international education opportunities.

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