
Germany AU Pair Visa With €260/month Pocket Money – Eligibility and Process

If you’re a young adventurer, ready to explore new cultures, learn a new language, and live in one of the most beautiful and diverse countries in Europe, then the German Au Pair visa is your golden ticket! Imagine this: you’re living with a German family, speaking German every day, experiencing local traditions, and caring for adorable children while earning a modest monthly allowance. Sound enchanting? Well, this article is for you!

As an au pair in Germany, you don’t just get pocket money (260 EUR per month, by the way), but you gain memories of a lifetime, language skills that will open up global opportunities, and a real taste of life in one of Europe’s most dynamic countries.

This article will take you on a deep dive into the world of the Au Pair Visa for Germany, highlighting everything you need to know — from how young foreigners can benefit, to the eligibility requirements, where to find the best opportunities, and the step-by-step application process.


What is the Au Pair Visa Program?

At its core, the Au Pair Program is a cultural exchange experience aimed at young people from around the world who are interested in improving their local language skills while living with a host family. This program allows you to spend time helping with childcare and light household duties, usually for 6 to 12 months. In exchange, the host family provides you with room, board, and a monthly allowance (pocket money).

It’s an incredible opportunity for young foreigners aged 18 to 26 to live abroad with a family, immerse themselves in the culture, and experience the everyday life of a typical host family. The program is designed to foster international understanding while giving you a safe, structured environment to develop skills and relationships.


What’s in it for You? The Benefits of Being an Au Pair in Germany

  1. Cultural Exchange: Experience German traditions, festivals, food, and customs firsthand.
  2. Improve Language Skills: Living with a German-speaking family gives you the perfect environment to practice and learn the language quickly.
  3. Pocket Money: You will receive 260 EUR per month, which may not be a fortune but is enough to cover personal expenses and leisure activities.
  4. Free Room and Board: Accommodation and meals are provided by the host family, meaning your living costs are covered.
  5. Insurance: The host family covers health, accident, and liability insurance during your stay.
  6. Vacation: You are entitled to paid vacation (usually two days per month of stay), giving you time to explore other parts of Germany or Europe.
  7. Opportunity for Personal Growth: You’ll become more independent, learn responsibility, and enhance your communication skills.
  8. Career Boost: Having international experience on your CV is always a great asset.

Who Can Apply? Eligibility Criteria for the German Au Pair Visa

To join the Germany Au Pair Program, you must meet specific requirements:

  • Age: You must be between 18 and 26 years old at the time of application.
  • Language Skills: You should have basic knowledge of German (A1 level). This shows that you can communicate with the family, especially with children.
  • Previous Experience: While formal childcare experience is not mandatory, it can be a plus. Most families look for au pairs who enjoy being around kids.
  • Health: You must be in good health, as the program requires you to be active and involved with the children.
  • Nationality: The program is open to applicants from both EU and non-EU countries.
  • No Previous Au Pair Experience in Germany: You must not have previously worked as an au pair in Germany.

Where to Find Au Pair Opportunities in Germany? Top 5 Resources

Finding the right family is essential for a rewarding au pair experience. Here are the top 5 platforms where you can find verified and reliable au pair opportunities in Germany:


How to Apply for Au Pair Opportunities in Germany and Visa?

Here’s the step-by-step process for becoming an au pair in Germany:

  1. Find a Host Family: Use one of the recommended websites given above to connect with a German host family. You will discuss expectations, responsibilities, and finalize the terms of your stay.
  2. Create a Contract: Once you and the family agree, you’ll need to draft an Au Pair Contract. This contract outlines your tasks, working hours (max 30 hours per week), pocket money, and other conditions. Both parties must sign it.
  3. Apply for the Visa: If you are a non-EU citizen, you will need to apply for a National Visa (for Au Pair stay at your nearest German embassy or consulate in your country. The required documents usually include:
    • A valid passport
    • Signed au pair contract (Given by the host Au Pair German Family)
    • Proof of basic German language skills (A1 certificate)
    • Health insurance (usually provided by the host family)
    • Completed visa application form
    • Passport-sized photos
    • Visa application fee
  4. Visa Processing: Visa processing times vary but generally take 4 to 12 weeks, so make sure you apply well in advance.
  5. Arrival in Germany: Once you receive your visa, you can travel to Germany and start your au pair journey. Upon arrival, you’ll need to register at the local authorities and apply for a residence permit if your stay exceeds 90 days.



Dr. Philip Morgan

(Associate Editor) Dr. Philip Morgan is a postdoctoral fellow and lead author at He earned his Master's and Ph.D. from Stanford before pursuing research in the U.S. on a Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship. Leveraging his diverse academic background, Dr. Morgan creates informative articles on scholarships, internships, and fellowships for international students. His expertise and passion empower students to achieve their academic goals through international education opportunities.

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