
How to Acquire New Zealand Citizenship in 2024 (All Routes)

In the year 2024, New Zealand continues to enchant many with its breathtaking landscapes and rich culture, drawing individuals who aspire to start a new chapter of their lives in this majestic country. Acquiring citizenship in New Zealand, affectionately known as becoming a “Kiwi,” presents a variety of pathways, each distinct in its criteria and rewards.

New Zealand naturalization refers to the process by which a non-citizen in New Zealand acquires citizenship after meeting certain residency and character requirements, essentially becoming a naturalized citizen. This process involves an application and granting of citizenship by the New Zealand government, signifying the individual’s full legal membership in the New Zealand community. This guide delves into these avenues, offering essential information, statistics, and steps for those who dream of making New Zealand their home.

So basically Citizenship of New Zealand can be acquired by two main routes which are Descent and Grant. New Zealand citizenship by Descent is automatically conferred to those born abroad to a New Zealand citizen, while citizenship by grant is for immigrants who must meet residency requirements and apply to become New Zealand citizens.


1# Citizenship by Descent

This method is efficient and often the quickest, targeting those with a direct New Zealand lineage. If you or a parent were born in New Zealand or if a parent was a citizen residing there, you might be eligible. However, it requires solid proof of family ties and can be limiting due to its specific familial scope.

2# Citizenship by Grant

This broader category encompasses various routes:

    • Permanent Residency for 5 Years: The most common path, demanding about 1,350 days of residency in the last five years.
    • Marriage to a New Zealand Citizen: Requires three years of cohabitation in New Zealand.
    • Skilled Migrant Category: A points-based system favoring skilled workers, with points for age, work experience, and qualifications.
    • Other Categories: Include paths for investors, individuals with ancestry ties, and those on humanitarian grounds.

These routes are inclusive and offer different paths to accommodate varied situations but can be time-intensive and complex.

Basic Essential Steps to Opt for New Zealand Citizenship:

  1. Eligibility Assessment: Use the New Zealand Immigration website’s tool to check your eligibility.
  2. Visa Acquisition: Start with a NZ visa leading to permanent residency.
  3. Residency Compliance: Track your days in New Zealand to meet the residency requirement.
  4. Documentation Preparation: Gather evidence of identity, residence, character, and language proficiency.
  5. Citizenship Application Submission: After clearing all eligibility checks, and having all docs, your final step would be to submit an application for NZ naturalization and wait for their interview correspondence.

All Routes to Get New Zealand Citizenship in 2024

Skill Shortage Jobs via Accredited Employer Work Visa

    • Pathway: Start by obtaining an Accredited Employer Work Visa, which is designed for individuals with skills that are in shortage in New Zealand.
    • Transition to Residency: After working for 2 years in a skill shortage area, you become eligible to apply for the Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa. This visa is points-based, where your work experience in New Zealand counts towards earning points.
    • Final Step to Citizenship: Once you have the Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa, you must meet the residency requirements (usually 5 years) before you can apply for citizenship.

Student Visa Leading to Skilled Migrant Category

    • Pathway: Begin by studying in New Zealand and obtaining a higher-level qualification (like a Bachelor’s degree or higher).
    • Boosting Points: The qualification you gain in New Zealand can significantly increase your points under the Skilled Migrant Category, making you a more attractive candidate for residency.
    • Transition to Residency and Citizenship: After completing your studies, you can apply for jobs in your field, potentially under the Skilled Migrant Category, which can lead to residency and ultimately, citizenship.

Citizenship through Marriage

    • Pathway: If you are married to, or in a civil union or de facto relationship with a New Zealand citizen, you can apply for a Partnership-based Resident Visa.
    • Residency Requirement: After living together in New Zealand for several years (usually 3 years) and proving that the relationship is genuine and stable, you can apply for permanent residency.
    • Final Step to Citizenship: Once you have permanent residency, you must meet the standard residency requirements to be eligible for citizenship.

Business Ventures via Entrepreneur Work Visa

    • Pathway: Apply for an Entrepreneur Work Visa to start and operate a business in New Zealand.
    • Transition to Residency: After successfully running your business for a specific period (usually 2-3 years), you can apply for the Entrepreneur Resident Visa.
    • Final Step to Citizenship: Once you have the Entrepreneur Resident Visa and meet the residency requirements (usually 5 years), you can apply for citizenship.

Investment Visas

    • Pathway: Choose either the Investor Plus Resident Visa (requiring an investment of NZ$10 million over 4 years) or the Direct Investment Visa (requiring NZ$3 million with specific business activity plans).
    • Residency Requirement: Maintain your investment for the required duration while meeting the terms and conditions of the visa.
    • Final Step to Citizenship: Once you have met the investment period and conditions, and have lived in New Zealand for the required duration, you can apply for citizenship

Can New Zealand Citizenship be Bought?

No, New Zealand citizenship cannot be bought; it requires meeting strict residency and character requirements or having familial connections to the country. However, New Zealand does offer investor visas that can lead to residency. For an investor visa in New Zealand, an investment of NZ$3 million is required for an Investor 2 Visa, while NZ$10 million is needed for an Investor Plus Visa, leading to residency, with the possibility of citizenship after meeting further requirements and time spent in the country.


Gaining New Zealand citizenship in 2024 is a complex yet rewarding journey, demanding thorough planning and a deep commitment to integrating into New Zealand society. The path varies from ancestral links to skilled migration, investment, business development, or through marriage. Understanding these pathways is crucial, and seeking professional advice can greatly aid in navigating the intricacies of immigration policies. Always refer to the official New Zealand Immigration website for the most current information


Dr. Philip Morgan

(Associate Editor) Dr. Philip Morgan is a postdoctoral fellow and lead author at He earned his Master's and Ph.D. from Stanford before pursuing research in the U.S. on a Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship. Leveraging his diverse academic background, Dr. Morgan creates informative articles on scholarships, internships, and fellowships for international students. His expertise and passion empower students to achieve their academic goals through international education opportunities.

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