Jobs in 2024

Job Application Requirements Checklist 2023


You must be interested to apply for a high paying job while thinking that employers should pay good salary packages but are you also going to put equal efforts in creating your job application documents which market you as a best job applicant to those employers?

I worked as HR manager for a few multinational companies and have hired really top quality workers for those companies but the process of hiring was sometimes very super cumbersome because out of every 10 job applications only 2 make proper sense by making me realize why should i hire them and what sort of skills, and benefits those 2 applicants would bring to the company. So based on my experience, i want all of you job seekers to do well and stand out among other applicants when recruitment process starts and all of this is not so difficult so lets get started:

1- Analyse Job Role and Requirements


Do not throw away your resume in mail boxes of companies or create multiple job applications on HR pages of multinationals without even realizing job requirements and duty roles because if you are going to apply for each of their job then might be possible your profile would end up in their junk database and would never be reviewed and i am sure you would definitly not be interested in it. Therefore, i advise you to take your time out to go through all of the open jobs and then figure out which one is as per your qualifications, skills, and experience and then make your mind to submit an application for that particular job by following my next step.

2- Create or Modify Your Resume (CV) as Per job Requirement


This is actually the soul of every job application but i have seen that many applicants just miss this whole thing because they keep throwing away same resume and CV for all job applications and this is completely the wrong way and if you are going to do the same then expect rejections. My recommendation for you is to create a new resume for every job application or modify an existing resume as per the new job requirements and market yourself in that resume as per the job roles so that the recruiter would then see the reason and benefits of hiring you from rest of the job seeker’s crowd.

 3- Create a Cover Letter for Job Application


Now i know you all must be wondering this is getting way too much why do we need to write a cover letter when we already have worked a lot on our resume or (CV) but let me tell you the importance of a cover letter in job applications. I am sure most of you do not know this that recruiters skim CVs because they do not have that much time to go though each and every resume and this is where a cover letter plays essential part because it provides better understanding of job applicant’s skills, qualification overview, and interest that further compel recruiter to review the resume (CV) of that job applicant.

If you follow these three steps in showing your interest for a job that is relevant to your qualifications, skillset, and interest then you will ideally get an interview call so work on this first before hurridly submitting your job applications for several posts.


Dr. Philip Morgan

(Associate Editor) Dr. Philip Morgan is a postdoctoral fellow and lead author at He earned his Master's and Ph.D. from Stanford before pursuing research in the U.S. on a Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship. Leveraging his diverse academic background, Dr. Morgan creates informative articles on scholarships, internships, and fellowships for international students. His expertise and passion empower students to achieve their academic goals through international education opportunities.

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