
6 Deadly CV Mistakes Guarantee Your Rejection – Stop Sending Your CV to Graveyard

Job seekers, prepare to be horrified. Your CV, the document you’ve meticulously crafted to showcase your skills and experience, could be harboring hidden landmines that detonate your chances of even landing an interview.

We’re not talking about the obvious blunders like typos or grammatical errors. Those are amateur mistakes. No, we’re delving into the insidious, the subtle, the CV saboteurs that lurk beneath the surface, silently screaming “REJECT!” to unsuspecting hiring managers.

1# The Ghost of Jobs Past:


You might think that listing every single job you’ve ever held, from that summer gig as a hot dog vendor to your brief stint as a telemarketer, demonstrates your work ethic. Think again. In reality, it makes you look like a job hopper, someone who can’t commit or find their niche. It’s a red flag that screams “unreliable” and “unfocused.”

2# The Overachiever’s Curse:


You’re a high achiever, a go-getter, a superstar. So naturally, you want your CV to reflect your impressive accomplishments. But here’s the terrifying truth: too much information can backfire. A CV crammed with every single award, project, and extracurricular activity can make you appear scattered and unfocused. Hiring managers want to see relevance, not a laundry list of achievements.

3# The Irrelevant Skill Trap:


You’re a jack of all trades, a master of none. While it’s tempting to list every single skill you possess, from HTML coding to origami, it’s a surefire way to get your CV tossed in the rejection pile. Hiring managers are looking for specific skills that match the job requirements. Including irrelevant skills only dilutes your message and makes you look desperate.

4# The Jargon Jungle:

You’re an expert in your field, and you want to demonstrate your knowledge by peppering your CV with industry jargon. But beware: this could backfire spectacularly. Hiring managers might not be familiar with your specialized lingo, and it could make your CV appear confusing and unreadable. Remember, clarity is key.


5# The Template Trap:

You think you’re saving time and effort by using a generic CV template. But in reality, you’re sabotaging your chances of standing out from the crowd. Hiring managers see hundreds, if not thousands, of CVs that look exactly the same. A cookie-cutter CV screams “unoriginal” and “lazy.”


6# The Copy-Paste Catastrophe:

Think you can get away with using the same CV for hundreds of job applications? Think again. This is a grave error that guarantees your CV will be overlooked. Each job requires a unique set of skills and experiences, and your CV should reflect that. Tailoring your CV to each specific role demonstrates your genuine interest and understanding of the position.

Refining Your CV for Success:

Don’t despair, job seekers. There’s hope. By avoiding these common CV saboteurs and crafting a targeted, concise, and compelling resume, you can increase your chances of landing that coveted interview.


Here’s how to refine your CV:

  • Tailor it to each job: Highlight the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the specific role you’re applying for.
  • Be concise: Keep your CV to a maximum of two pages.
  • Use clear language: Avoid jargon and industry-specific terms that hiring managers might not understand.
  • Highlight your achievements: Use numbers and quantifiable data to demonstrate your impact in previous roles.
  • Get feedback: Ask friends, family, or career counselors to review your CV and provide feedback.

Remember, your CV is your first impression, your ticket to the next stage of the hiring process. Don’t let hidden landmines blow it up. Invest the time and effort to refine your CV, and watch your interview invitations soar!



Dr. Philip Morgan

(Associate Editor) Dr. Philip Morgan is a postdoctoral fellow and lead author at He earned his Master's and Ph.D. from Stanford before pursuing research in the U.S. on a Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship. Leveraging his diverse academic background, Dr. Morgan creates informative articles on scholarships, internships, and fellowships for international students. His expertise and passion empower students to achieve their academic goals through international education opportunities.

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