Jobs in 2024

Cover Letter for Job Applications 2023 [For All Professions] – Beginner Guide

Beginners Guide to Write a Cover Letter for Job Applications (All Professions)


Your resume or CV can not explain why you are a perfect match for the job you apply nor provide insights about your personality, and professionalism in your field which is why you need an explanatory letter along side your resume which serves as a short introductory marketing paper of yours and basically, this is what we call a Cover Letter.

You might have shortlisted various jobs for which you further perfected your resume or CV and you might feel that is it and now is the time to apply but what if i tell you that you still need to work on producing a Cover Letter? So do not panic and feel great because i have got you and now you know that this is going to be the last document that you need to produce before you get ready to submit your job applications and in this article i am going to walk you through with;

  • Cover letter definition and purpose
  • How to customize your existing cover letter
  • How to write a convincing cover letter that lands you a job

1) Cover Letter Definition and Purpose

Cover letter is an explanatory one page document that markets you as a suitable applicant for the job you are applying for which further means cover letter is a document which connects and highlights your academic, professional and personal details mentioned in your resume a and markets you as a perfect job applicant whereas a perfect cover letter never exceeds 400 words and should not be less than 250 words in total.


2) How to customize your existing cover letter?

I must tell you this is actually very important to customize your existing cover letter for every new job you apply to because the details in your cover letter must align with the requirements and duties required for that specific job so that HR finds conduction between you as perfect job applicant and job you are applying to.

Customizing the Old Cover Letter:


For that reason i suggest you not to reuse your old cover letter but you can recycle it by customizing and for that purpose start with reading and understand job requirements, get an idea of company/department, try to adopt personal tone, try to keep it short & impactful, highlight your qualifications and achivements, explain why you are a perfect candidate for their advertised job, and talk about your passion for starting that job in your existing cover letter to align it with the job’s requirements.

3) Writing a Convincing Cover Letter

Before we start learning about writing a convincing cover letter i want to pass on details that cover letter is never a replacement of your Resume or CV which is why you need to keep this in mind so you can differentiate between these and with that you must not brag about anything in it and try to add factual details in personal way whereas you can get an idea about how to write your brand new cover letter from this format idea:

  • Add your Contact Details

In this section, you need to add your name, email, phone, address and other relevant contact information with subject line.

  • Writing Introduction Part

In this section you will be explaining on who you are, what are your achievements, why you are applying for that specific job and company, and how you stand out among other job applicants for that specific job and i must guide you to keep this intro short and impactful.

  • Body of your cover letter

This section can be a little explanatory with details about your academic and professional achievements with help of factual information or data and with that i recommend you to also add details (If available) about how you would be a perfect candidate for their job and company.

  • Conclusion

This is the last section of your cover letter where you will add your future plans for that job if selected, refer HR towards reviewing your detailed resume or CV, and thanks them for taking their time out to review your candidature details for their job.


Dr. Philip Morgan

(Associate Editor) Dr. Philip Morgan is a postdoctoral fellow and lead author at He earned his Master's and Ph.D. from Stanford before pursuing research in the U.S. on a Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship. Leveraging his diverse academic background, Dr. Morgan creates informative articles on scholarships, internships, and fellowships for international students. His expertise and passion empower students to achieve their academic goals through international education opportunities.

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