
Swiss Style CV for Jobs, Scholarships, Internships, and Fellowship Applications


A Swiss-style CV (Curriculum Vitae) is a resume format specifically tailored to the job market in Switzerland. It prioritizes clarity, conciseness, and a focus on relevant skills and experience.

A Swiss-style CV is a concise, formal document tailored to the Swiss job market, typically one to two pages long. It emphasizes clarity and precision, listing experiences and credentials in reverse chronological order, and is customized to highlight the qualifications most relevant to the specific job, internship, scholarship, or fellowship application. Professional in tone and often including a headshot, it may be hand-written to add a personal touch, detailing your experience and reasons for pursuing the particular position.

Applicability (Purpose) of the Swiss Style CV

Primarily used within Switzerland, the Swiss-style CV is the preferred format for various applications including jobs, internships, and scholarships. Its structured presentation aligns with what Swiss employers and academic institutions expect.


While it’s ideal for local use, adaptations may be needed for applications in neighboring countries like Germany and Austria, or at multinational companies across Europe just like we use europass format of CV but please keep in mind that Europass and Swiss Style CV’s are totally different.

The Swiss style CV can also be adapted for other purposes with some modifications as cited by Swiss national science foundation:


1# Scholarships: When applying for scholarships in Switzerland or with Swiss institutions, a Swiss-style CV can be a strong base. You might need to:

    • Emphasize your academic achievements in more detail and place the education section more prominently.
    • Include relevant projects, publications, or extracurricular activities that demonstrate your academic potential.

2# Internships: A Swiss-style CV can effectively present your qualifications for internships in Switzerland. Be sure to:

    • Highlight relevant coursework and any previous internship experience, even if it was short-term.
    • Tailor your skills section to match the internship requirements.

3# Other Applications (With Caution): The Swiss-style CV’s emphasis on chronological work experience makes it less ideal for purposes like:

    • Applications focused heavily on creative portfolios or project-based work.
    • Career changes where you want to prioritize transferable skills over specific job titles

Conversion of an Existing CV to Swiss Style

Converting your existing CV into a Swiss-style CV is usually a straightforward process. Here’s how to approach it as per CERN recommendations (Ref):

1# Analyze Your Existing CV:

    • Structure: Is your current CV primarily chronological, skills-based, or a combination?
    • Content: Do you have the essential sections that fit Swiss expectations (personal details, work experience in reverse chronological order, education, skills)?

2# Adapting the Structure:

    • Prioritize Chronology: If your CV isn’t already in reverse chronological order for your work experience, rearrange it. Swiss employers prioritize the most recent and relevant experience.
    • Conciseness is Key: If your existing CV is longer than 2 pages, evaluate what can be trimmed or summarized to make it fit the Swiss preference for brevity.

3# Tailoring the Content:

    • Photo: If you don’t currently have one, consider getting a professional headshot taken for the top of your CV.
    • Optional Information: Consider removing items like marital status if they are included in your current CV. Personal hobbies and interests should only be included if highly relevant to the target job.
    • Quantify Achievements: Review your experience descriptions. Can you add quantifiable results (e.g., increased sales by X%, managed a budget of Y).

4# Formatting:

    • Choose a Standard Font: Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman are all safe choices.
    • Adjust Margins and Spacing: Ensure your CV has reasonable margins and clear spacing for readability.

5# Proofread and Get Feedback:

  • Carefully proofread for any typos or grammatical errors.
  • Ask for Feedback: Have a friend or colleague, ideally familiar with the Swiss job market, review your revised CV.

How to write CV for Application Submissions in Switzerland?

Creating a Swiss-style CV from the ground up requires careful attention to:

  1. Layout and Design: Opt for a simple, professional look with standard fonts like Arial or Calibri. Include a professional headshot which is customary in Switzerland.
  2. Key Sections: Incorporate essential details such as personal information, a brief professional summary, detailed work experience, education, and skills. Highlight responsibilities and achievements in each role with precise, actionable descriptions.
  3. Customization for Each Application: Tailor your CV to highlight the most relevant skills and experiences for the particular job, scholarship, or internship you’re applying for.

Here’s a comprehensive guide on writing a Swiss-style CV for your next application submission within Switzerland as per guidance issued by University of St Gallen:

Structure and Formatting to Adopt While Writing it:

  • Length: Keep it concise and ideally on one page. Two pages are generally the maximum unless you have extensive, highly relevant experience.
  • Font: Stick to professional, easy-to-read fonts like Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman.
  • Margins and Spacing: Use reasonable margins and clear spacing between sections for readability.
  • Photo: A professional headshot in the top right or left corner is common in Switzerland.

Essential Sections:

1# Personal Details:

    • Full name
    • Address (street, city, postal code)
    • Phone number
    • Email address
    • Date of Birth
    • Nationality
    • Marital Status (Optional)
    • Work Permit Status (if relevant)
    • LinkedIn profile link (if applicable)

2# Professional Summary (Optional):

    • A brief 2-3 sentence statement highlighting your key skills, experience, and career goals as relevant to the position you’re applying to.

3# Work Experience:

    • List positions in reverse chronological order (most recent first).
    • For each position, include:
      • Job title
      • Company name
      • Location (city)
      • Dates of employment (month/year)
      • A concise but impactful description of your responsibilities and achievements. Use action verbs and quantify your achievements whenever possible (e.g., “Increased sales by 15%…”)

4# Education:

    • List in reverse chronological order.
    • Include:
      • Institution name
      • Location
      • Degree/diploma/certification obtained
      • Dates of attendance
      • Optional: Relevant coursework or thesis topic

5# Skills:

    • Hard skills: Technical skills specific to your field (software, programming languages, etc.)
    • Soft skills: Transferable skills (communication, problem-solving, leadership, etc.)
    • Languages: List your proficiency level for each (e.g., native, fluent, intermediate)

6# Additional Sections (Optional):

    • Hobbies and Interests: Only include if highly relevant to the job or if they showcase desirable traits.
    • Publications or Projects: Relevant if showcasing specialized expertise.
    • References: It’s common to state “References available upon request” rather than listing them directly.

Swiss Style Resume Writing Tips:

  • Tailor it: Each CV should be adapted to the specific job you’re applying for. Highlight the skills and experiences that match the job requirements.
  • Clear and Concise: Use straightforward language and structure. Avoid overly elaborate descriptions.
  • Focus on Achievements: Quantify your results and accomplishments whenever possible.
  • Proofread Meticulously: Swiss employers value attention to detail. Have someone else proofread your CV for errors.

Example Outline of Swiss Style CV (Brief Outline)

Following is the editable Swiss Style CV Outline template for you to use for making your Swiss Style Resume or CV:

[Your Name] [Address] | [Phone Number] | [Email] | [LinkedIn] Professional Summary Experienced marketing professional with a proven track record in…
Work Experience Marketing Manager (2022-Present) | Company Name, City

  • Increased lead generation….
  • Developed and executed…

Marketing Specialist (2024-2025) | Company Name, City

Education Bachelor of Business Administration | University Name, City



References Available upon request

Whether you’re seeking employment, a scholarship, or an internship in Switzerland, the Swiss-style CV is a crucial tool that showcases your qualifications in a format that local reviewers expect. It should be concise, well-organized, and tailored specifically to each application, ensuring that your skills and experiences resonate with Swiss employers and institutions. Remember to adapt each CV to the role and organization you are targeting, and always strive for clarity and precision in your presentation.

Dr. Philip Morgan

(Associate Editor) Dr. Philip Morgan is a postdoctoral fellow and lead author at He earned his Master's and Ph.D. from Stanford before pursuing research in the U.S. on a Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship. Leveraging his diverse academic background, Dr. Morgan creates informative articles on scholarships, internships, and fellowships for international students. His expertise and passion empower students to achieve their academic goals through international education opportunities.

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