
Switzerland CERN’s Technical Scholarship 2024 in IT, Mathematics & Robotics

Imagine working at the forefront of scientific discovery and technological innovation at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research. This isn’t just any internship; it’s an unparalleled opportunity to contribute to groundbreaking research and development in Geneva, Switzerland. Here’s your chance to join CERN’s Technical Studentship in IT, Mathematics, and Robotics for 2024-3!

Purpose of the Studentship

CERN is dedicated to uncovering the mysteries of the universe through cutting-edge technology and research. The Technical Studentship programme aims to provide students with hands-on experience and advanced knowledge in fields related to Information Technologies, Mathematics, and Robotics. This internship not only enhances your academic journey but also positions you at the heart of scientific and technological advancement.

Benefits of the Studentship

  • Generous Allowance: Receive a monthly stipend of 3452 Swiss Francs (net of tax), ensuring you can focus on your work and studies without financial stress.
  • Travel Allowance: CERN covers your travel expenses, making it easier for you to relocate and settle in Geneva.
  • Family Support: Depending on your circumstances, you may receive additional support if you are married or have children.
  • Comprehensive Health Insurance: Benefit from CERN’s extensive health coverage, with contributions automatically deducted from your allowance.
  • Paid Leave: Enjoy 2.5 days of paid leave per month, allowing you to balance work and personal life.
  • Unique Work Environment: Experience life at CERN, working with world-renowned experts and using some of the most advanced scientific instruments.

Who Can Apply?

To qualify for the Technical Studentship, you must:

  • National Status: Be a national of a CERN Member or Associate Member State.
  • Academic Progress: Have completed at least 18 months of your undergraduate studies (Bachelor or Master’s) by the next selection round in October 2024.
  • Student Status: Remain registered as a full-time student during the internship.
  • Language Proficiency: Have a good knowledge of English or French.

How to Apply?

Prepare Your Documents: Ensure you have all required documents ready in English or French, clearly labeled and in PDF format: CV, most recent academic transcript, and reference letter from a University Professor (additional reference from a previous internship is optional).

Complete the Application:

Submit by Deadline: Your complete application must be submitted no later than July 29, 2024 (23:59 CET).
Selection Period: Applications will be reviewed by a panel of CERN experts from July 29 to early October 2024.
Final Decision: The outcome will be communicated by the end of October 2024.

Zahira Bano

(Associate Editor) Zahira holds a PhD in Cosmetics Surgery and Pharma. She worked with Mashables and some other beauty and wellness blogs. She is also a well-known personality and educationist and has a large number of social following. She also writes on the female empowerment motivational topics in her leisure time. She is also a scholarship winner and mentor for students looking for studying abroad opportunities.

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